Since my last post I have learned some wonderful and very valuable lessons.
As I wallowed in my self-pity thinking I was the only person capable of providing a wonderful Christmas for my family, God showed me differently. It was truly a thing of beauty to watch Him work through others to orchestrate what has turned out to be one of the most blessed Christmas seasons I have experienced.
By disabling me on many levels, I was able to stop long enough to enjoy the help of friends and family who so lovingly gave of their time, treasures and love to ensure the gifts were wrapped, food was prepared and we came together as a family to remember why we celebrate Christmas. I was slowed down long enough to throw off all of the commercial trappings and spend time truly connecting.
This Christmas has been about letting go and letting God work through others. I was forced to stop my frantic activities so I would be available long enough to hug a friend who lost someone dear and shed tears with her. I have had time to pray with and for people whose path has crossed mine in some of the most interesting ways. To sit quietly and truly listen to what others were saying. But most importantly, to be reminded that Christmas is about Jesus' birth.
So, do me a favor and ignore that last post. This Southern Belle found her Christmas spirit and also discovered how very blessed she is.
Merry Christmas to all and may God's blessings rain down abundantly upon you and your family in the coming year.