Friday, January 01, 2021

 My New Years Resolutions  πŸŽ‰

I think we can all agree 2020 was a poopy head of a year so let’s not go down that road again.  Been there, done that, and bought a t-shirt.  Instead, let us turn our face toward the sun πŸŒ… and bask in the light of 2021.  If you don’t have sunshine in your geographical area, go find a lamp and put your face under the shade.  Works just as well.

Let’s talk resolutions.  While everyone else has listed “achieve world peace”, “be more kind”, and “fully fund a food pantry for 10 years” on their list, I find I work better if I have more realistic resolutions/goals so here are mine:

Log enough steps on my Apple Watch to justify the 4 cookies I sneak out of the cookie jar in the middle of the night when no one was looking.

I know about the “sneak the cookies out of the jar in the middle of the night when no one is looking and the calories disappear” theory.  I tested it extensively this last year while isolated and the extra fluff on my hips sort of disproved that hypothesis.  I do, however, have some websites I am investigating that show you how to TRICK your Apple Watch into logging more steps that you ACTUALLY take.  The theory being, aforementioned Watch and the cookie calories are somehow in sync so you don’t actually have to TAKE the steps to get the calorie burn.  I will report periodically during 2021 on this research project.  I just hope I don’t have to upgrade my watch operating system.  The last time I went through that adventure I said bad words. πŸ˜‘

Score at least one 100 point word in Words with Friends.

And... to make it harder... I am going to do it without cheating!!  No word generator, no asking a friend..  just hard core using my brain.  Hubby is worried about this one because most days I don’t have 2 brain cells to rub together so this might be the demise of my mental capabilities.  Stay tuned.   PS:  This is my stretch goal.  PSS:  This might be the goal that puts me over the edge.  PSSS:  Apologies in advance to my children for the pain they will have to endure while wiping the slobber from my chin when my brain cells are completely diminished because of trying to achieve this goal.

Don’t get pissed off everytime I open Facebook and read a post where someone is too lazy to express their own opinion so they just post someone else's.

Really people.  I gotta have some help on this one.  Use your own mind darn it.  Love ya! ❤️😎

Lose inches on my hips.

Note I did not say “permanently” lose inches on my hips which leaves this resolution open to some creative practices like double spanxing.  If you have not read my blog post on the last time I tried this method of hip reduction click HERE.....  (click the word HERE)

Send more humor into the world... which means I am going to have to write more blog posts which makes Hubby positively nervous.    

Did I mention I have a blog?  You can read it HERE

Shamelessly promote my blog.  

Did I mention I have a blog?  You can read it here:

Hug more people!πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

To do this I am going to have to do my part to eradicate this *#^$ virus.  Which I have given the nickname Rona.  I hate Rona.  She upset my applecart.  That’s all we are going to say about that because I promised I wasn’t going to look back.  But I hope that beaaaatch gets kicked to the curb in January!!  Just in time for my birthday.  Oh!  Did I mention I have a birthday in January?  Sure would like for the Rona to be gone by then.  Squirrel!!

So, that’s my list of resolutions for 2021.  Along with loving my family, my friends and even those people who make me roll my eyes.πŸ™„

Here’s to a GREAT year full of blessings.  I refuse to have anything less.

With HUGE virtual hugs, sloppy kisses, and best wishes...


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