The arrival of the Earth Boxes caused almost as much stir as the arrival of the Nutrisystem boxes (reference earlier blog post for details and background). Why is it I always seem to have a contentious relationship with my hubby whenever a brown box(es) is delivered to our front door. The conversation always starts with "what are you to up to now!?"
He acts like I am always carrying out wild crazy schemes for some reason. I view them as experiments in life. Some of them have failed, some have been successful but they ALWAYS turn out for a good blog post.
Thus, the Earth Boxes. He actually knew these were going to arrive so the controversial conversation actually happened pre-delivery.
When I left The Farm I swore I would never go back. In my mind's eye I would be a career minded, sophisticate with tons of friends dancing on rooftops in my groovy apartment in some big city overlooking the skyline. I would always be dressed in evening attire (white ball gown flowing in the breeze as my loyal assistant made sure the food was served on silver platters that never needed polishing). I think I watched too many old movies growing up.
It never occurred to me you needed a trust fund to finance such a lifestyle. I quickly realized I had to work during the day to pay off school loans, apartment rent and I like to sleep. Staying up in the evenings entertaining (and I never could afford those silver platters and they DO need polishing) made me one cranky camper during the day. So fast forward and I have settled into a very nice normal life with husband, son, granddaughters, parents, in-laws and huge family gatherings. I have to say, it's quite nice and my apron seems to fit me better than the white ball gown.
This "normal" lifestyle has obviously turned on my Hippie Gene. I have become fascinated with Farmer's Markets and solar energy and wind turbines and... yes, growing my own food. The issue is we live in a zero lot line so there isn't a lot of green space to have a garden. Luckily, I grabbed an issue of Mother Earth news from my local hippie grocery and discovered Earth Boxes. They are these neat little mini-gardens in a box so you can grow your own food right on your patio! When I saw the ad my eyes bugged out of my head. Eureka!! I can feed my family from the porch!!
I slept with the magazine under my pillow for weeks plotting and scheming about the purchase of these little buggers. When I logged onto the website and viewed the videos I was hooked. That credit card got whupped out of the purse and I ordered 2 to ensure I would have enough food to feed the neighbors should a natural disaster occur. Up until this time my Hippie Gene was in low gear. When I pressed the "submit" button, it got cranked into 2nd gear and I'm revving up.
Well, the Earth Boxes arrived this week. I haven't been able to stop shaking long enough to open them up. My heart has been racing and a cold sweat has been permanently affixed to my forehead since I drug them into the foyer. Because... when I open those boxes it's admitting I have gone back to The Farm. You can't get away from your roots and I may as well give into it and enjoy the ride. I think it's ok though. The Barefoot Contessa has a barn so I feel certain I can have one too.
Stay tuned for the next episode of my gardening experience. I have to run read my Mother Earth News, Entertaining, Cook's Illustrated magazines right after I review the website that teaches me how to build a straw bale garden. Now, where did I put those flowers for my hair?????
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