Sunday, December 28, 2008

My dance card is full ... but what's new?

This holiday agenda has been crammed packed with activity. It started in November when we made the trek down to gather up Husband Unit's family and brought them back to our home for Thanksgiving. While they were here, we celebrated our youngest son's 30th birthday. Two large industrial size, Full Tilt Italian Twirl with a twist of Suthern celebrations in one week.

Whew! Two sets of parents running around, grandchildren running around, kids running around, niece and sister-in-law running around - you get the picture. Frank just sits in his chair and lets the running run around him. He was raised in an Italian family so he's figured it out by now. Me - I just keep trying to run behind everyone and eventually fall on the floor from exhaustion. Frank picks me up, pats me on the butt, says "I told you to let them run themselves out before you try to catch them" as he puts me to bed with drool running down the side of my face.

The celebrations have continued.

  1. Early Christmas with our Son, Grandkids, my parents and my aunts
  2. Frank's birthday party
  3. Christmas Eve
  4. Christmas Day
  5. Day after Christmas Breakfast
And we still have these celebrations to go...
  1. Tea and Cookies at my Sister-In-Law's house
  2. Movie Night
  3. New Year's Eve at Frank's Aunt and Uncle's place
We have worked in a shopping trip to Bealls and the mall, one trip to the beach, and I got my cheeseburger at Barnacle Bill's last night.

Now, where did I put that phone number for that herbal supplement that gives you energy? I think I need to order the double size.

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